An academic system or Academic Information System is an Academic Information System that was built to provide convenience to users in online campus academic administration activities, such as the New Student Admission (PMB) process, making class schedules, filling in Study Plan Cards (KRS), filling in grades, guardianship, management of lecturer & student data.

Academic Information System is often abbreviated as SIMAK. So what is an Academic Information System, explain what is meant by an information system. Come on, let’s get to know what a system is, what is information, what is academics?

What is SIMAK?

Academic Information System is a system designed for the purposes of managing academic data by applying computer technology, both hardware and software, so that the entire process of academic activities can be managed into information that is useful in managing higher education management and making decisions for decision makers or top management. in a college environment.

This academic system aims to support the implementation of education, so that universities can provide better and more effective information services to their communities, both inside and outside the university via the internet. The various needs in the field of education and the regulations surrounding it are so high that academic management in an educational institution becomes a job that takes a lot of time, energy and thought.

Therefore, the academic information system was built to directly answer the problems and needs of higher education institutions regarding academic management quickly and without being tiring.

A problem that often occurs in higher education institutions in general is limited data processing, starting from data processing for screening entrance exams for prospective students, announcing the results of prospective students who have passed, the re-registration process, both for prospective new students and students who have already become students of higher education institutions. the. This is one of the interaction processes between the internal parts of universities or educational institutions that process data using certain processes and procedures, and users, in this case students.

With the existence of a system, it is hoped that data processing between users and parts of the academic system that receive input from students as well as transactions in lecture activities and administrative activities between students and the university can take place well.

The difficulty that often occurs in the internal part of higher education is the large number of data processing processes that must be carried out in a short time. For example, processing data on students who take courses and classes with teachers/lecturers. In processing this data, transaction data will be obtained in the form of attendance data, course data, grade transcript data, exam schedule data, payment fee data (student payment status), lecturer data along with salary data attributes which are part of the financial system. applied to the financial side.

As discussed above, an academic information system can be broadly defined as a system designed to meet the needs of academics who want computerized educational services to improve performance, service quality, competitiveness and the quality of the human resources they produce.

What are the benefits of academic information systems for universities and students?

Benefits of Academic Information Systems for Higher Education
  1. Facilitates the Process of Managing Academic & Non-Academic Data
    The Academic Information System is very helpful in managing data on student grades, courses, data on teaching staff/lecturers as well as faculty/department administration which is still manual and can be done with the help of software in order to save time and reduce operational costs.
  2. Data Integration
    Considering that in a university there are several applications and systems, this data integration is very useful for avoiding data duplication. Integration means there is a connection between one system and other systems. By using data integration, this means that each piece of information can share the same data at the same time.
  3. As an Information Center
    By using the Academic Information System, it will make it easier for students and lecturers to access information anywhere and anytime. Information that can be accessed includes course grades, GPA and GPA, lecture schedules, attendance, student and lecturer data, and much more related to academic information.
  4. Tool for recording all campus activities
    Apart from being an information center, the Academic Information System can also be used as a means of recording all campus activities. Information on the latest activities on campus can be updated in the Academic Information System so that students and lecturers who are unable to attend can find out what activities are taking place.
  5. Provide reports on student progress in the teaching and learning process
    With the campus academic information system, it will be easier to monitor student progress in the teaching and learning process, because attendance data and learning grades are already in the academic information system.
  6. Provide Lecturer Progress Reports in Teaching and Learning Activities
    With an academic information system, you can also monitor the progress of lecturers in the teaching and learning process.
  7. Campus is more up to date
    The academic information system provides information needed by the university regarding student academic data in an up to date manner at a low cost.
  8. Improve the Campus Image
    Academic information systems can improve the image of universities as campuses that are caring, transparent, and a step forward in the field of technology.
  9. Comprehensive Report
    Get comprehensive reports about student academic achievements, tuition payments, etc. which are presented online via Web media.
  10. Make it easier for Academic Officers
    Academic information service providers find it easier to carry out their duties.
  11. Facilitate reporting to PDPT Dikti
    Provides convenience in creating reports for data reporting (PDPT) to DIKTI in accordance with national standards.
  12. As a guide in preparing campus policies
    Academic Information Systems can also function as support for data analysis in determining campus decisions
Benefits for Students
  1. Make it easier for students to fill in and correct KRS
  2. Facilitate and speed up student registration and payments
  3. Makes it easy to obtain GPA data per semester, course schedule, UTS scores, UAS scores, assignment scores, remedial, and the latest information from departments.
  4. Students can see their grades via SIMAK Mobile, so it’s faster.
  5. Students can find out academic information anytime and from anywhere.
5 Main Functions of Academic Information Systems (SIMAK)
  1. Information Center
    With SIMAK, we can easily find out what is happening on campus quickly. SIMAK uses an automatic response system such as class scheduling and so on.
  2. Data Integration
    With data integration, SIMAK will manage all data in an integrated manner so that the data will always be updated or always up to date and always in real time when used. With SIMAK there is no such thing as data duplication because Siakad uses a centralized database system.
  3. Facilitates the Process of Managing Academic & Non-Academic Data
    The Academic Information System is very helpful in managing data on student grades, courses, data on teaching staff/lecturers as well as faculty/department administration which is still manual and can be done with the help of software in order to save time and reduce operational costs.
  4. Record Campus Activities
    SIMAK will provide services to users by always monitoring all campus activities and developments starting from PMB, KRS to the assessment process so that all activities can be completed efficiently and effectively.
  5. User Community Media
    Using the features of SIMAK will make it easier for the entire campus community to give and receive information from admin, staff, students, lecturers and leaders who will have more freedom in communicating.